w FAQ - Authority Boost


Questions grouped by topic and ordered by most frequently asked

General Questions

1. How will I be billed?

You can pay via credit card or Paypal on the checkout page. Credit card information is verified and secured by Stripe.

2. How is my payment information secured?

For Paypal, you are directed to the PayPal website so payment information doesn't go through us at all. For credit cards, we use Stripe as the payment processor. Stripe is well-regarded in the payment process industry and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available.

Stripe and Authority Boost forces HTTPS to ensure your payment data is transmitted safely. HTTPS encrypts your information and verifies the integrity of traffic between your browser and the destination server.

We not do store your payment information on our servers. All information is sent to Stripe, which is then encrypted on disk with AES-256. Authority Boost is given a unique identification key which is how we reference to your payment information when requesting charges with Stripe.

More information on Stripe's security practices can be found on their website. Third-party information on Stripe can be found on its Wikipedia page.

3. Can you write about my industry?

Yes! Our process is journalistic in nature – We investigate high-quality sources for seed content and create a cohesive article based on facts, figures, and actionable advice. Some of the most popular industries our team writes content for are SEO Services, IT Services, Legal Services, Health and Fitness, Pets, Traveling, Green Energy, Automotive, Real Estate, Moving Services, and Home Improvement.

4. Are these posts SEO optimized?

Yes, 100% – These articles are crafted to bring you more traffic to your blog! This starts with keyword research and topic validation. We look for popular topics in your niche (by number of shares, number of comments, keyword popularity, etc) to make sure what we write is going to fit before we even start writing. If you have us post to your blog and have Yoast installed (or similar SEO plugin), we will optimize the post with an SEO title, description, short URL, focus keywords and more.

5. How long does this whole thing take?

You can expect to see a completed order 2-3 weeks from when you place it, we mostly do it within 10 days if we receive all the approvals from your end within the required timeframe.

6. Do you offer white labeling as a service?

Yes we do. Please contact us for more details.

Questions about Writing your Content

1. What is your average turnaround time?

You can expect to see a completed order 2-3 weeks from when you place it, we mostly do it within 10 days if we receive all the approvals from your end within the required timeframe.

2. Do I get to approve topics?

Yes! We research and validate topics popular in your niche that will attract your target audience. Then we send them to you for approval. We want to make sure we hit the nail on the head every step of the way!

3. Will you auto-approve articles for me?

We will auto-approve all articles that have been sitting in your dashboard after 10 days. You will receive two emails prior to an article being auto-approved. This will provide our customers with a seamless, hands-off experience with Authority Boost. The process allows orders to be delivered for our customers who may have forgotten about the approval process.

4. Can I approve the articles?

Yes! We send you drafts for approval each time and you can send back as many times as you’d like for edits (this rarely needs to be done!).

5. What if I do not like the topic?

No problem! If you’ve already covered that topic or don’t like it, you can reject it. You can reject the topic to request a keyword change, edits to the title and description or request a new topic. Just click “reject” and leave your requests or feedback in the box. However please note that once a topic is approved and a writer gets started, the topic can’t be changed.

6. What if I don’t like the article?

No problem! If there are certain edits that need to be made to make this article better for you, let us know and we will get it done.

7. Will you post the article directly to my blog?

No, we will provide the content an easy to post format.

8. Do I own the content I order from Authority Boost?

Yes, of course! It is yours to do with as you please.

Questions about syndication

1. What information is required to place an order?

Post approval of the content that we have written for you we will send you an email if you have opted for the Pro or Unlimited Package, you can then select the blog you would want to get syndicated

2. Do you have any samples that I can see?

We sure do, click here to see our samples.

3. Can you syndicate grey niches?

Yes we can! With grey niches there’s a chance you will get fewer links than a non-grey niche, however, we guarantee you’ll still receive at least 300 links.

Here are the grey niches we can accept:

- Gambling & casino

- Explosives

- Guns

- Weapons

- Alcohol

- Tobacco & Vaping

- Cosmetic procedures & body modification

- Marijuana related topics including dispensaries, glassware, THC, etc.

- Torrenting and similar file downloading systems

- Dating

- Adult & Sex

- Sexual Reproductive Health

- Politics and International news

- Cryptocurrency

- Inappropriate Use of Language

- Kratom

- COVID-19 Topics

4. What niches are not allowed for syndication?

The only niches we can’t syndicate are: Illicit Drugs

5. Can the content be promotional?

- No, the content has to be an informational blog post.

6. Is there a required word count for the content?

There is no required word count for Syndication.

7. Are all of the links Do Follow?

Many of the links will be do-follow, however, we do not have control over these sites and some links will be no-follow.

8. What happens if my link goes down?

We’ll gladly replace any links that go down within a year of the order being completed.

General Questions

1. Do All packages Include 3 blog posts?

Yes, that's absolutely right! We know through our research that google recognizes websites that produce continuous content as an "authority". Which is why we provide you with three articles to begin with.

2. How will I be billed?

You can pay via credit card or Paypal on the checkout page. Credit card information is verified and secured by Stripe.

3. How is my payment information secured?

For Paypal, you are directed to the PayPal website so payment information doesn't go through us at all. For credit cards, we use Stripe as the payment processor. Stripe is well-regarded in the payment process industry and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available.

Stripe and Authority Boost forces HTTPS to ensure your payment data is transmitted safely. HTTPS encrypts your information and verifies the integrity of traffic between your browser and the destination server.

We not do store your payment information on our servers. All information is sent to Stripe, which is then encrypted on disk with AES-256. Authority Boost is given a unique identification key which is how we reference to your payment information when requesting charges with Stripe.

More information on Stripe's security practices can be found on their website. Third-party information on Stripe can be found on its Wikipedia page.

4. Can you write about my industry?

Yes! Our process is journalistic in nature – We investigate high-quality sources for seed content and create a cohesive article based on facts, figures, and actionable advice. Some of the most popular industries our team writes content for are SEO Services, IT Services, Legal Services, Health and Fitness, Pets, Traveling, Green Energy, Automotive, Real Estate, Moving Services, and Home Improvement.

5. Are these posts SEO optimized?

Yes, 100% – These articles are crafted to bring you more traffic to your blog! This starts with keyword research and topic validation. We look for popular topics in your niche (by number of shares, number of comments, keyword popularity, etc) to make sure what we write is going to fit before we even start writing. If you have us post to your blog and have Yoast installed (or similar SEO plugin), we will optimize the post with an SEO title, description, short URL, focus keywords and more.

6. How long does this whole thing take?

You can expect to see a completed order 2-3 weeks from when you place it, we mostly do it within 10 days if we receive all the approvals from your end within the required timeframe.

7. Do you offer white labeling as a service?

Yes we do. Please contact us for more details.

Questions about Writing your Content

1. What is your average TAT?

You can expect to see a completed order 2-3 weeks from when you place it, we mostly do it within 10 days if we receive all the approvals from your end within the required timeframe.

2. Do I get to approve topics?

Yes! We research and validate topics popular in your niche that will attract your target audience. Then we send them to you for approval. We want to make sure we hit the nail on the head every step of the way!

3. Will you auto-approve articles for me??

We will auto-approve all articles that have been sitting in your dashboard after 10 days. You will receive two emails prior to an article being auto-approved. This will provide our customers with a seamless, hands-off experience with Authority Boost. The process allows orders to be delivered for our customers who may have forgotten about the approval process.

4. Can I approve the articles?

Yes! We send you drafts for approval each time and you can send back as many times as you’d like for edits (this rarely needs to be done!).

5. What if I do not like the topic?

No problem! If you’ve already covered that topic or don’t like it, you can reject it. You can reject the topic to request a keyword change, edits to the title and description or request a new topic. Just click “reject” and leave your requests or feedback in the box. However please note that once a topic is approved and a writer gets started, the topic can’t be changed.

6. What if I don’t like the article?

No problem! If there are certain edits that need to be made to make this article better for you, let us know and we will get it done.

7. Will you post the article directly to my blog?

No, we will provide the content an easy to post format.

8. Do I own the content I order from Authority Boost?

Yes, of course! It is yours to do with as you please.

Questions about syndication

1. What information is required to place an order?

Post approval of the content that we have written for you we will send you an email if you have opted for the Pro or Unlimited Package, you can then select the blog you would want to get syndicated

2. Do you have any samples that I can see?

We sure do, click here to see our samples.

3. Can you syndicate grey niches?

Yes we can! With grey niches there’s a chance you will get fewer links than a non-grey niche, however, we guarantee you’ll still receive at least 300 links.

Here are the grey niches we can accept:

- Gambling & casino

- Explosives

- Guns

- Weapons

- Alcohol

- Tobacco & Vaping

- Cosmetic procedures & body modification

- Marijuana related topics including dispensaries, glassware, THC, etc.

- Torrenting and similar file downloading systems

- Dating

- Adult & Sex

- Sexual Reproductive Health

- Politics and International news

- Cryptocurrency

- Inappropriate Use of Language

- Kratom

- COVID-19 Topics

4. What niches are not allowed for syndication?

The only niches we can’t syndicate are: Illicit Drugs

5. Can the content be promotional?

- No, the content has to be an informational blog post.

6. Is there a required word count for the content?

There is no required word count for Syndication.

7. Are all of the links Do Follow?

Many of the links will be do-follow, however, we do not have control over these sites and some links will be no-follow.

8. What happens if my link goes down?

We’ll gladly replace any links that go down within a year of the order being completed.

Questions about Video Spokesperson Service

1. What do you need from me to get started on the Video Blog?

We just need you to select which content/blog you need made into a video and we can turn into a script and we’ll take care of everything else for your marketing video

2. What other information is required from me to get a Video Blog?

Link to the blog content, Logo, Talent Type (Male, Female, No preference), Spokes Person Attire(Casual, Business casual, Business Professional),Special Instructions (optional), Blog Subject

3. Where does the video footage come from?

We use stock footage from many different reputable sources for our B-roll. This B-roll will be relevant for your video and niche. The sources we use can supply us with tens of thousands of options. We also try to use anything that you sent us!

4. Can you do spokespersn videos longer than 4 minutes?

With our current process, our Video will not be longer than 4 minutes no matter how long the seed content is. We’ve found through our research that viewers drop off in a video much before the 4 minute mark and these would take longer to write, film and edit. At our current pricing and process, this sort of request unfortunately would not scale.

5. Can you have someone demonstrate how to use my ____ product in the video?

Unfortunately, a how to video for specific products is not something we are able to do at this stage. However, if you have footage of your product you would like to include, just send it over when you purchase

6. My entire brand depends on having a "female/male" spokesperson. Can I put in a special request for gender?

Yes! You will be able to choose between male or female. You can also choose between casual, business casual, or business professional attire – however, we are limited on age and ethnicity options at the moment. We will try our best to meet all client requests.

7. Can I send you my own images, footage and company logo for use in the video?

Yes! You will be able to choose between male or female. You can also choose between casual, business casual, or business professional attire – however, we are limited on age and ethnicity options at the moment. We will try our best to meet all client requests.
